Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HELP with Aaron

I am at a loss. This little one has me so stumped. He is still taking one hour naps during the day. Two weeks ago he was sleeping 9-10 hours at night without a feed and now he is doing every 3 hours at night. Any suggestions out there?? Considering trying some baby cereal???


  1. Hey Bree - lots and lots of little ones his age go through this stage. It isn't fun but it's normal. :.)

    My personal advice (based on experience and the wisdom of 3 of my Lactation Consultant Aunts)is to skip baby cereal (rice, oat...) completely. It can actually block the absorbtion of iron from breastmilk, and breastmilk has more calories per ounce anyway. So cereals actually don't help sleep. If you think he is waking from hunger, then you could just start him on some soft (non-constipating) foods.

    If you think about it - baby cereals weren't even invented until formula. They were created to supplement formula fed babies. But since creation, moms have been nursing their babies with God's perfect infant food until they were ready for solid foods. I personally believe baby cereal is unecessary.

    But whatever you decide, Aaron is completely normal in this.

  2. Hey Bree,

    Maybe Aaron is just going through a growth spurt and the extra feedings are necessary to increase your supply? Brooklyn is 7.5 months, has been on solids for almost 2 months and still doesn't sleep through the night. I figure her little body is just telling her what she needs. Despite the fact that I do enjoy uninterrupted sleep, I'm trying to just enjoy these quiet moments in the night, knowing that my little baby will grow up faster than I'd like and soon this will be a distant memory.

    Good luck to you!
