Saturday, February 13, 2010

God works even when all the odds are against you!!

The garage sale was a huge Success!!!!! We sold almost everything. It started out very cold, not ideal conditions for a garage sale!! But people came and we met tons of people from our community, neighbors, other homeschooling moms, and people interested in our cause. We had tons of donations, ate lots of cookies, and had tons of chaos along the way. We had a tree come down behind our house a couple weeks ago and today was a great day for our friends the McCown's to come over to help cut it down....
It seemed that our day got crazier and crazier running between kids, garage sale, tree cutting BUT had the tree not come down and the McCown's not come over to help with that then their 2 wonderful children would not have been here today and such a blessing helping me with the kids and the garage sale. Rachel stayed in the house a lot loving on Aaron which he loved and Jesse helped man the garage sale and cookies!!!
In the end it was wonderful. A few things still to sell AND our neighbor brought us a huge TV to sell. Not only did we sell stuff but we started collecting more stuff to sell next time!!!!
Stay tuned as we pray about which organization to start our giving with this year!!!
To date God has raised $132.00!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Did you sell the humidifier? We should have gotten back to you sooner. If it's gone, oh well. I'm glad that everything went well!
