Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Aaron

You are so sweet and such a little miracle... God was so good to protect us and get us so far. We were living with the Ketter's in Flagstaff waiting for you to come. We were going to live with the Cutlips out of town but Craig thought that was too far away. Good thing, because an hour after Craig left for Payson from visiting for the weekend, I told my mom I didn't feel good and then at the Ketter's I started bleeding out.. We rushed the the hospital. I called Craig and told him to come back because I was bleeding. 20 minutes later Aaron was born healthy and BIG. Sara was so sweek to stay with me during the c-section since Craig couldn't make it. The recovery was long since i lost a lot of blood during the delivery, and Aaron spent 8 days in the NICU. BUT now he is CRAZY, HEALTHY, and tons of FUN
We love you so much and could never imagine life without you!!
Here is the rest of the story!

Aaron David Wilson
7 lbs. 7 oz
19 inches long
born at 36 weeks!

And here you are NOW!!