My boys and I were working on our ice in our backyard today and it was HARD WORK! Just as I thought I would call it quits and let Craig finish it, 4 neighbor kids under 7 showed up and wanted to work. Well good thing I had just the job for them. MAN did they WORK HARD! And then another kid showed up. 20 minutes later they had the whole thing done, clean and sweeped. I encouraged them to no end! They asked me a couple times if they were working hard and I said YES! OH man did I thank them for their work. What a blessing they were to me!! Its strange that children would come out of nowhere to shovel my yard. But it reminds me of a couple things:
1. Kids love to help
2. Kids love to be busy
3. Kids love to have an adult that will love on them and encourage them
4. Kids NEED to have adults watching over them and teaching them
5. Kids will go where ever and with whomever they feel loved by. (me, drugs, gangs, boyfriends, girlfriends)
6. I am so glad I am home for the neighborhood kids to come to my home for me to LOVE!
Good job mamam!!